Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property wpdb::$categories is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 760

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Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property wpdb::$link2cat is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 760

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block_Type::$skip_inner_blocks is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 391

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Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block::$attributes is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 179

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block::$attributes is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 179

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block::$attributes is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 179
Dinner – Zach is still hungry

Tag: Dinner

  • 4HB Diet Week 3 / 4HB ダイエット 第3週目

    This diet is getting easier but I had my birthday last week during 4HB Diet, which I decided not to have my birthday cake on my birthday and waited till the Binge Day (Saturday). Psychologically, not having a birthday cake on my birthday was harder than I thought. (I know this is pretty lame…) さて、4HBダイエット、大分簡単になってきました!が、しかし、先週のダイエット週間に、私の誕生日があり、周りの皆は、「誕生日ぐらい、ダイエットしなくても~」と言われましたが、変な意思を貫き、「誕生日ケーキは、ご褒美の日の土曜日まで食べない!」と宣言。 […]

  • 4HB Diet Week 2 / 4HB ダイエット 第2週目

    Week 2 of 4HB was not so good. Our weight stalled and our body size did not change much. We only lost 2 lb each. I wonder what we did wrong foodwise. The biggest food difference between week 1 and week 2 was “Creativity” in the menu. Like the Stuffed/Rolled Cabbage in Tomato sauce and […]

  • 4HB Dinner Wk2 Day 2: Rolled Cabbage

    I received a few recipe requests for the “Rolled Cabbage” that I made for tonight’s dinner 🙂 This is 4HB friendly recipe! Also, this recipe takes 1.5 hours at most from start to finish! Pretty quick meal for 4. (4 serving because the other 1/2 will be our lunch tomorrow!) So here it is! Ingredients: […]

  • 4HB Diet Week 1 Result & Binge Day! / 4 Hour Body ダイエット 1週目 結果 とご褒美の日!

    Today is our binge day!!! Yeeeeeeess!!! I don’t know about Mr. Z but I am really really extremely extremely excited about today!! I could not stop thinking about a slice of dense creamy chocolate cake with whipped cream on top. I mean “Sugar Please!!” 今日は、1週間に一回の「ご褒美の日」、何を食べても良い日でーす! Mr. Zは分かりませんが、私は朝からもうウキウキ! ずっと、クリーミーで濃いチョコレートケーキとホイップクリームのことを考えていて、今日ついにそれが食べられるのです~!! マジ嬉しい・・・ Well, before the binge starts, we […]

  • Rockbottom Brewery kinda delivers, but not really

    Before I hit the Rockbottom too hard in the headd with a stick, I want to let everyone know that I don’t like chain restaurants all that much. Especially chain restaurants pretending to be one of a kind experiences. There is something dishonest about people who claim to be selling you a unique experience. But […]