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Fish makes you lose weight – Zach is still hungry Everything we can eat, drink, and make. Plus what we think about it. Mon, 18 Feb 2019 19:38:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 4HB Diet Week 3 / 4HB ダイエット 第3週目 Tue, 31 Jan 2012 00:09:50 +0000
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Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$category_parent is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 383 This diet is getting easier but I had my birthday last week during 4HB Diet, which I decided not to have my birthday cake on my birthday and waited till the Binge Day (Saturday). Psychologically, not having a birthday cake on my birthday was harder than I thought. (I know this is pretty lame…)

さて、4HBダイエット、大分簡単になってきました!が、しかし、先週のダイエット週間に、私の誕生日があり、周りの皆は、「誕生日ぐらい、ダイエットしなくても~」と言われましたが、変な意思を貫き、「誕生日ケーキは、ご褒美の日の土曜日まで食べない!」と宣言。 これが、精神的に、結構きつかったです。 今まで、誕生日に、誕生日ケーキを食べたことない年って、なかったような気がする・・・

So the 3rd week of 4HB Diet, as I informed in my previous blog, we added more Fish Dinner to our weekly menu. According to Mr. Z and my analysis (only 2 weeks of data…), we found that Fish Dinner has helped us lose weight at least 1 – 1.5 pound. We had 3 Fish Dinners last week, I’d like to inform you how our 4HB went 🙂 Here was our 3rd Week 4HB Diet Menu!

前回の4HBブログでもお伝えしたように、先週第3週目、魚のディナーを1回増やしました。 これは、2週間のダイエットのデータより分析した結果、どうも、魚ディナーを食べると、翌朝、体重が1パウンドから1.5パウンド減っている事に気づいたからです。 で、通常は、魚は週一ぐらいしか食べないのですが、先週はなんと、合計3回の魚ディナー。 体重減るかな~!! それでは、先週のメニューです。

Sunday Breakfast (日曜日の朝食)
3 Eggs & Meat, 2 hands full Spinach, ½ Avocado, 2 Mushroom sliced, ½ cup Lentil & Salsa

Sunday Lunch (日曜日の昼食)
4 Portabella Mushroom & 1/2lb Meet Pattie, 1 hand full Spinach & Tomato

Portabella Mushroom bum with 1/2lb Burger

Sunday Dinner (日曜日の夕食) <– Eat only ½, other ½ is Lunch next day 2lb Pork loin marinated in Balsamic Vinegar, Garlic & Rosemary. Steamed Broccoli with Ghee & 1 cup Black Beans

Balsamic marinated Pork loin with steamed Broccoli with Ghee

Monday Breakfast (月曜日の朝食)
3 Eggs & Meat, 2 hands full Spinach, ½ Avocado, ½ cup Lentil & Salsa

Monday Lunch (月曜日の昼食)
Leftover from Sunday Dinner

Monday Dinner (月曜日の夕食) <– Eat only ½, other ½ is Lunch next day 1lb grilled Salmon, grilled Zucchini, Peppers, and Eggplant with 1 cup Black Beans

Grilled Salmon & Veggies (Eggplant, Zucchini, and Pepper)

Tuesday Breakfast (火曜日の朝食)
3 Eggs & Meat, 2 hands full Spinach, ½ Avocado, 2 Mushroom sliced, ½ cup Lentil & Salsa

Tuesday Lunch (火曜日の昼食)
Leftover from Monday Dinner

Tuesday Dinner (火曜日の夕食) <– Eat only ½, other ½ is Lunch next day 2 lb Grilled Chicken thigh (S&P), sautéed Spinach, Onion, Kale, and 1 cup Lentil

Grilled Chicken and sauteed Veggies

Wednesday Breakfast (水曜日の朝食)
3 Eggs & Meat, 2 hands full Spinach, ½ Avocado, ½ cup Lentil & Salsa

Wednesday Lunch (水曜日の昼食)
Left over from Tuesday Dinner

Wednesday Dinner (水曜日の夕食) <– Eat only ½, other ½ is Lunch next day 4 links Sausages, sautéed sautéed Spinach, Onion, Broccoli Rabe, Sauerkraut and 1 cup Navy Beans

Grilled Chicken Sausage, sauteed Veggies, and Sauerkraut

Thursday Breakfast (木曜日の朝食)
3 Eggs & Meat, 2 hands full Spinach, ½ Avocado, ½ cup Lentil & Salsa

Thursday Lunch (木曜日の昼食)
Leftover from Wednesday Dinner

Thursday Dinner (木曜日の夕食) <– Eat only ½, other ½ is Lunch next day 4 Grilled Ono Fish, grilled Zucchini, Peppers, and Eggplant with 1 cup Lentil

Grilled Ono Fish and Veggies (Zucchini, Pepper and Onion)

Friday Breakfast (金曜日の朝食)
3 Eggs & Meat, 2 hands full Spinach, ½ Avocado, ½ cup Lentil & Salsa

Friday Lunch (金曜日の昼食)
Leftover from Thursday Dinner

Friday Dinner (金曜日の夕食)
Cabbage, Carrot, Red Pepper and Onion sauteed with Tuna & Kimchee

Sauteed Veggies (Cabbage, Carrot, Red Pepper) with Tuna & Kimchee

The results of 3rd week was ok. But our prediction of Fish was right. Whenever we had Fish for dinner, next morning we lost 1 – 1.5 lb. All the sudden, we love fish 🙂

第3週目の結果は、「まーまー」。 でもね、私たちが分析した、「魚料理が痩せる秘訣!」というのが、どうも当たっているらしく、魚を夕食に食べた翌朝は、必ず、500g~700g 体重が減ってました。 突然、魚が大好きになった、私たち夫婦!

Well, Mr. Z lost about 3 lb and I lost 2 lb last week. Also we lost some inches!

For Mr. Z:
His bicep went down about 1 inch.
His thigh went down by 3 inches.
His waist went down by about 3 inches.
And his hip went down by 1 inch.
Total, he went down by 8 inches!

He is looking better and better 🙂

それでは、詳しい結果です。 Mr. Z、体重は3パウンド(キロにして、約1.5キロ)減ってました。 私は、2パウンド減(キロにすると1キロ)。

Mr. Zの体のサイズは:
トータル、8インチ減 (約19センチ減)でした。

益々、男前になっていく、Mr. Zです。

Alright, for me…
My bicep went down by 1 inch.
My thigh went down by 2 inches
My waist went down by 2.5 inches
And finally my hip went down by 1 inch.
Total, I went down by 6 inches!

This result was certainly better than last week 🙂 I am satisfied with the result!

はい、私の番。 体のサイズは:
トータル、6インチ減 (約14センチ減)でした。


This is week 4 of 4HB diet. W’ell see how much more we can lose weight. Stay tuned!!

さて、今週は第4週目の4HBダイエット! さてさて、今週は、どれぐらい痩せることができるでしょうか! 乞うご期待!

Mrs. H
