Allagash Trippel Reserve
A little bit of many things can go along way. After weeks of slogging through IPA’s and Stouts I noticed a 750ml bottle tucked in the trans-dimensional portal that is my refrigerator.
Christmas Eve 2010
Having relocated the base of operations to the great state of Texas, I am now beginning to see the realities of a year round love affair with Carts, Tacos and Beers. Reflecting on the last few months of food-scapades I am suddenly jerked into the realization that I have only just begun.
How Though Shalt Make Beer Part 1
The first part in a step by step process that explains how to home brew your own beer.
Hello Abbaye-Abdij
Summer. I love summer. I love love love love love love summer. Now that winter is finally over in Colorado, I find it more than compelling to have the season of summer speak with its very loud and perfect voice. Enough pensive adoration of the sun! ON TO THE BEER! The Belgians, a relationship that I can […]
Belgian Duvel
Belgian beer is still a mystery. The sweet crispness of the Duvel is like sevral things I have had before and yet something entirely new. There is quite a bit going on as soon as the opaque golden liquid hits your palette. And the famously wild fragrances accompanied by fruit flavors suddenly transport you across […]