Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property wpdb::$categories is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 760

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property wpdb::$post2cat is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 760

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property wpdb::$link2cat is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 760

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block_Type::$skip_inner_blocks is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 391

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block_Type::$skip_inner_blocks is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 391

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$object_id is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 1118

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$cat_ID is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 378

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$category_count is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 379

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$category_description is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 380

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$cat_name is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 381

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$category_nicename is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 382

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Term::$category_parent is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 383

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Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block::$attributes is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 179

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block::$attributes is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 179

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block::$attributes is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 179

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block::$attributes is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 179

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block::$attributes is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 179

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block::$attributes is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 179

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block::$attributes is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 179

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block::$attributes is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 179

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block::$attributes is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 179

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block::$attributes is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 179

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block::$attributes is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 179

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block::$attributes is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 179

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block::$attributes is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 179

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WP_Block::$attributes is deprecated in /home/hanzou/ on line 179
Breakfast – Zach is still hungry

Category: Breakfast

  • Lemon Cranberry Scone – Gluten Free / Dairy Free / Sugar Free

    I am not Gluten Free, Dairy Free or Sugar Free. But I noticed recently that I grew up eating lots of rice and a little bit wheat. I thought as if my body won’t break down wheat so well because I am Japanese? In my culture (Japanese), rice is one of major carbohydrates and some […]

  • Baked Coconut Donuts

    Hi there! New recipe here for you! This recipe uses Metric measurement. Majority of digital scale should have ability to choose between Metric or English, don’t be afraid of using Metric measurement! Whether Metric or English, I like to bake cakes and breads by weigh. There are a bit more work but once you get […]

  • 4HB Diet Week 3 / 4HB ダイエット 第3週目

    This diet is getting easier but I had my birthday last week during 4HB Diet, which I decided not to have my birthday cake on my birthday and waited till the Binge Day (Saturday). Psychologically, not having a birthday cake on my birthday was harder than I thought. (I know this is pretty lame…) さて、4HBダイエット、大分簡単になってきました!が、しかし、先週のダイエット週間に、私の誕生日があり、周りの皆は、「誕生日ぐらい、ダイエットしなくても~」と言われましたが、変な意思を貫き、「誕生日ケーキは、ご褒美の日の土曜日まで食べない!」と宣言。 […]

  • 4HB Diet Week 2 / 4HB ダイエット 第2週目

    Week 2 of 4HB was not so good. Our weight stalled and our body size did not change much. We only lost 2 lb each. I wonder what we did wrong foodwise. The biggest food difference between week 1 and week 2 was “Creativity” in the menu. Like the Stuffed/Rolled Cabbage in Tomato sauce and […]

  • 4HB Diet Week 1 Result & Binge Day! / 4 Hour Body ダイエット 1週目 結果 とご褒美の日!

    Today is our binge day!!! Yeeeeeeess!!! I don’t know about Mr. Z but I am really really extremely extremely excited about today!! I could not stop thinking about a slice of dense creamy chocolate cake with whipped cream on top. I mean “Sugar Please!!” 今日は、1週間に一回の「ご褒美の日」、何を食べても良い日でーす! Mr. Zは分かりませんが、私は朝からもうウキウキ! ずっと、クリーミーで濃いチョコレートケーキとホイップクリームのことを考えていて、今日ついにそれが食べられるのです~!! マジ嬉しい・・・ Well, before the binge starts, we […]